array ( 'value' => array ( 'mode' => 'default', ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'utf_mode' => array ( 'value' => false, 'readonly' => true, ), 'default_charset' => array ( 'value' => false, 'readonly' => false, ), 'no_accelerator_reset' => array ( 'value' => false, 'readonly' => false, ), 'http_status' => array ( 'value' => false, 'readonly' => false, ), 'cache' => array ( 'value' => array ( 'type' => 'files', ), 'readonly' => false, ), 'cache_flags' => array ( 'value' => array ( 'config_options' => 3600, 'site_domain' => 3600, ), 'readonly' => false, ), 'cookies' => array ( 'value' => array ( 'secure' => false, 'http_only' => true, ), 'readonly' => false, ), 'exception_handling' => array( 'value' => array( 'debug' => true, 'handled_errors_types' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, 'exception_errors_types' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, 'ignore_silence' => false, 'assertion_throws_exception' => true, 'assertion_error_type' => E_USER_ERROR, 'log' => NULL, ), 'readonly' => false, ), 'connections' => array ( 'value' => array ( 'default' => array ( 'className' => '\\Bitrix\\Main\\DB\\MysqliConnection', 'host' => 'localhost', 'database' => 'cl6805_9', 'login' => 'cl6805_9', 'password' => 'SJiJWfkg', 'options' => 2, ), ), 'readonly' => true, ), );The script encountered an error and will be aborted. To view extended error messages, enable this feature in .settings.php.